Scent Away Chicken Coop Deodorizer

Scent Away Chicken Coop Deodorizer

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For a cleaner, fresher and healthier chicken coop, use Scent Away Chicken Coop Deodorizer for odor and moisture control. Scent Away Chicken Coop Deodorizer is a powerful, all-natural odor fighting bedding booster. It has been specifically designed to capture and help eliminate waste odors, control bedding moisture and extend bedding life. Helps to reduce pests by eliminating unwanted odors and moisture. Great for complete coop cleanouts or daily spot maintenance.

What makes Scent Away Chicken Coop Deodorizer so great?

✓ Helps remove odors quickly for better respiration
✓ Adds moisture control for healthier feet
✓ 100% natural ingredients
✓ Non-toxic and fragrance free
✓ Cuts down on annoying pests
✓ Helps to extend bedding life

Size and Weight:
5 Gallon Bucket (25 lbs.)

Instructions for Use:
Sprinkle 10-12 cups of Scent Away over the top of coop bedding, concentrating in areas where moisture is anticipated most.

After removing waste and wet bedding, replace with dry bedding and sprinkle 3-5 cups of Scent Away over the top of the affected moist areas.

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